Claudia Natasha





Claudia Natasha





"When we live our dreams, we give

others permission to live theirs also."

Claudia leaning left on a brick wall.

Hi! I’m Claudia

As a certified Holistic Health and Lifestyle Coach and my passion is to support women in health and assist them in breaking cycles that are no longer serving them. My mission is to help women reconnect with their energy and passion, guiding them toward a truly aligned life that is full of health, abundance and joy. 


I’m the coach that perfectly understands what you are going through because I have gone through it and came back successfully.
Claudia holding orange flowers.
My approach is deeply personal. I understand the challenges you face because I've been there myself. My journey wasn't straightforward; I learned the hard way, through experiences that taught me the powerful connection between our physical bodies and our minds.
These experiences have shaped the work I do today:


Claudia carrying a two-hand weight set



Having competed in CrossFit, powerlifting, and bodybuilding, I've pushed my body to its limits, ignored my body's signals to meet training demands and consequently experienced chronic inflammation, where I learned the hard consequences of overexertion and the 'no pain, no gain' mentality. This journey was more than physical; it shaped my identity and taught me the importance of listening to my body's natural rhythms for health and happiness. 
Claudia shows off her muscles in a competition
Claudia sitting by the garden

My personal health BATTLES

Over the years, I've navigated a myriad of health challenges that have profoundly influenced my approach to wellness and deepened my understanding of the body's signals. From a permanent spinal injury that tested my physical resilience to managing insulin resistance and pre-diabetes without being overweight. I've struggled with endometriosis, estrogen dominance, autoimmune skin conditions, chronic anxiety, asthma, allergies, persistent hair loss, and significant digestive issues. Each condition demanded a reevaluation of my lifestyle and brought me closer to understanding my body’s needs.  


Similarly, my child's journey from birth with eczema, severe food allergies, asthma, ADHD, and other mental health challenges has echoed my personal struggles and underscored the necessity of managing health holistically across generations in my family.
The most profound lesson I've learned is the significant impact of mental and physical stress on the body, and the consequences of ignoring our body’s innate wisdom. Our bodies are always communicating with us, and disregarding these signals can lead to dysregulation, particularly in the gut, the nervous system and hormonal balance. Understanding this connection has transformed my approach to health, highlighting the powerful interplay between our mental, physical, and emotional well-being.


Through my personal experiences, I've come to understand that managing stress—both physical and emotional—is essential. Your body needs to feel safety to shift and release. True health also extends beyond the physical; it is multidimensional. It requires a deep connection to the physical body, mind, emotional body, and spirit (your purpose). Aligning, healing, and embodying these aspects of yourself is the path to true health and wholeness.


Today, my approach integrates a holistic perspective, bringing together the mind, body, and spirit through embodiment for an abundant life full of health and joy. I am dedicated to helping you achieve the same.
Claudia in Zen mode
Claudia writing by the foot of the stairs
After five years of practice and coaching and working with HUNDREDS OF WOMEN  in my studio and across the globe, I have become acutely aware of the unique needs of women.  
It's not just about ‘following’ a plan and ‘prescribing' the right strategy which is often not enough for most people.
Women need a plan that MEETS THEM WHERE THEY ARE at and weaves into their current life/reality addressing not only the physical and practical, but also the mental and emotional blocks. This is where true transformation can begin.

I will help you become more self-aware so you can be in the driver's seat and have control of your own body, your health, and your goals.
Claudia facing the ocean looking up the sky with arms open wide

I have helped countless women to… 


✔️ achieve their health & body goals (lose weight, increase energy, balance hormones, heal their gut) so they can feel and look their best

✔️ Understand their unique blueprint allowing them the freedom that comes from a strategy that is designed specifically for their unique needs and lifestyle

✔️ Work with the rhythms of their body to create peace in their bodies and their lifestyle 

✔️ build personal strength and inner confidence so they can reclaim their inner authority 

✔️ Shine light on, and break free, from what is holding them back so they don't repeat cycles that are no longer serving them

✔️ Harness the power of self awareness and self actualisation to get the most out of life.

If you are struggling with:

  • Weight issues
  •  Anxiety or Overwhelm 
  • Hormonal issues 
  • Bloating & poor gut health
  • Exhaustion and low energy levels
  • Low mood and depression
  • Health symptoms
  • Self sabotage  
Then you should check out my FREE BODYSHIFT masterclass
Watch Here

Meet Claudia


Working with me is an experience beyond the physical.  I work with your entire being to align the five elements of your mind, movement, diet, state, and your spirit.

The key areas I focus on are:

  Holistic Lifestyle Coaching

→ MIND & BODY Coaching (Embodied Wellness)

→ Quantum Healing (Emotional and Spiritual)

→ Nutrition Counselling & Coaching

→ Body Alchemy, Somatic & Movement Therapy

→ Womens Events & Ceremonies

Half-body shot of Claudia
Claudia doing stretching
Claudia fixes herself a salad.


  • FLOWST8 Holistic Performance Practitioner
  • Chek Licensed Professional (Chek Institute)
  • Holistic Lifestyle Coach (Chek Institute)
  • Awakening Education Quantum Energy  Healer 
  • Accredited Sports Nutritionist
  • Accredited Nutrition Counsellor 
  • Graduate Diploma of Counselling
  • Graduate Diploma of Psychological Studies 
  • Master Fitness Trainer 
  • Reiki Level 1 & 2 and Sachiem Reiki Level 1
  • Certified Performance PT 1+2
  • CFA Part 1 & 2 (Pelvic Floor)
  • Early Post Natal and Advanced Post Natal Core Programming
  • JPS Mentorship
  • Bachelor of Business 

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure”